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Queen of Hearts

here is serge. you dont need to worry anymore because i am ok.

it was nothing. my time was up. that was all. i had the choice you see.

i could leave and i did. no one stopped me and i left this town and i lived like before for a bit.  i slept in barns or in the houses of pitiful people and sometimes just outside. and then less and less because He came back to haunt me just like before. maybe shes right and He didnt even want to harm me. He just carried her calls to me.

i heard what she thought to herself at night. she wondered where i was and if i was fine. and why i left her. sometimes i think i saw her and sometimes i dreamt about her and when i woke up He always was there. i think He delivered the messages.

i couldnt leave her. i couldnt leave fi behind forever. i couldnt leave the life with her behind.

this is a peaceful happy life by her side.

He was generous enough to allow me to change my mind and he made the contract with me. we are now waiting for the morning and for her to wake up. i hope shell like the surprise.

dear little fi.

this is goodbye to runners. i chose her side. i wish you all good luck and please dont worry. im actually very happy now.


i cant find them

i cant find anyone. i looked everywhere. i was about to leave town but fi said jeremy comes tonight and when he comes i need to be here. i need to give him the book i found and maybe to go together with him.

im glad i hided the book well. i didnt look at it a while. but most of the things of the others are gone so i hope the book is still here.

i was too scared to go far outside. from here, i cant see anyone in the town.

im worried about fi.


where are you??

fiona, jonathan, where are you?? i cant find you! i woke up and the house is empty, what happened??? are you okay??

please, call me or answer!!


hello, i could come here again!

things seem to be mostly okay.  im starting to getting used to live here.

i read what fi wrote. now i understand some things. he made her forget about.

i told her about my family. i think he killed my family. it was a fire and i ran away. and he was there. i told her, but when she heard it, her eyes were dark for a second like a shadow. i think he was behind me for a moment, but he was not when i looked.  then she was okay again but she was not shocked, i was surprised about that.

he made her forget about it when she heard it, im sure!

runners, dont hurt fi. shes nice. i dont know what he does and why but she just really likes him and she needs to remember the bad things.

there some other strange thing here. there was a book that i found and it had my name on it. in that book i found the information for her blog. someone here knows and wants to help me and fi. who? i dont know. i never seen the person, only the book.

thank you john and roman. do you think you can help fi too? i dont want to to leave her to him. shes nice and trusts him and he uses it.




please help


i dont have plenty time he told me to hurry up. shes sleeping and she wont see this. i am catched here her guard doesnt let me out. dover foxcroft maine you cannot miss it. its the only mansion here and grande.

he doesnt show anymore and he didnt harm me anymore here but it makes me scared. something is planned. i just know.

dont harm the girl shes nice.she is a victim to. rescue us.

someone gave me the data. please dont try to tell her. i dont know who but he helpos and i need help.

need to go now before she wakes up. oh also stay away from the jardin. something is not right there.


Hello from Johnathan

I was told I had been introduced, so here I am. My name is Johnathan. I’m currently employed by Fiona as a personal bodyguard…..

I’m not really sure what to do here. I mean, I’m not used to blogs that are personal, though that is what they’re made for.

For example:

Hey, internet

I’m back. Sorry to have had you worried.

I’ll reply to the new comments and tell you everything later. Just don’t worry anymore everyone. I’m fine. Fabulous even.

Have to cut this short now. Daddy is all over me and I don’t want to hurt his feelings with preferring the computer over him right now.  Just wanted to tell you guys that I am okay right now.

Bye, internet.

He’s here.

So you were trying to warn me about that, Adele and John?

He’s outside my window. I don’t know how long He’s been standing there already, but now He does.

I panicked, I cried, I hid under my blanket (but never dared to look away) and now I’m… numb.

It’s worse than I imagined. In my mind, I would always see His head as a kind of white egg on His shoulders. It’s not like that. It’s as if someone had taken a skull and spanned skin on it. I can see where the eye-sockets should be and it just looks so unnatural. wrong.worng

I dont know wher the babysitter is. She didn’t nswer when I called out dor her.

I’m sorry. I think I’m panicking a bit again. So sorry. Scared.

He calls me. He doesn’t even need to say anything, the way He “looks” at me is enough to know. he want sme to come outside.

I won’t put up a fight. Im sory. I’m no fighter. I don’t want to endanger anynoe. so sorry.

I’ll just go. I’m sorry.

Goodbye. Thank you. All of you. I’ll leave a goodbye letter for Daddy too. Goodbye, internet.


Posted on

Hey, internet.

I don’t even know where to begin right now. I feel… bad? Called in sick today because I don’t want to leave the house. There’s nothing I want to go to school for right now (I don’t want to see Story, I don’t want to see my former friends) and I’m scared shitless of whoever left those roses here.

There are two now. Two black roses. When I woke up, there was a second one right next to the first one. I didn’t dare touch the rose that appeared there Saturday night all day yesterday. But I slept in my own room again, or rather, spent the night here, because I’m not sure if tossing and turning around in the bed all night, having nightmares whenever I close my eyes really count as sleep. I can’t even remember most of the night, only that I heard the tapping on the window again. And when I dared looking at it today in the morning, there was the second rose on my windowsill.

First I didn’t want to touch them at all. But in the nice weather today, they looked so harmless. So I gathered my courage and picked one up. It was… strange. It’s all black, even the stem, and it feels like glass or something, although the petals bend like real flower petals. And it doesn’t smell.

But the strangest thing is that when I held it in my hand, I felt a little bit faint. And… I don’t know, surreal-ish.

Actually, my life is quite surreal at the moment. When I woke up at Saturday, I had dreamt of my friends and I first thought it was a weekday and I got up and anticipated going to some thing I had talked about with my friends in my dream and then suddenly everything hit me but at least I was about to go out with story and that made me smile again because I had something, at least something, at least someone…

I want my life back… I want my life back…