Tag Archives: Happiness

Getting it off my Chest

Hey, internet!

So, I originally wanted to leave it at that comment I made, but I just couldn’t. I’ve had this on my mind ever since. So a bit of angry rambling now – I’m sorry!

EDIT: I just realized that I didn’t even address anyone but Jeremy in this for the most part… please forgive me, internet!

So the other day, this one blog showed up in the blogroll of my Dashboard: Shut up Jeremy. I had some time and was in the mood to read a little and what did I find? A photo of my Prince!

Apparently Jeremy, the author of that blog, has recently met Him! You can probably imagine how excited I was to see that. So I commented on it, read some more, commented some more and tried to calm Jeremy down a bit, because he seemed to be rather uncomfortable with my Prince around. Which I can understand, if you can remember my earlier blogposts – I have been too. He is unsettling to be around sometimes even now, because He’s just so unlike a human. I’m sure often when He looks at me, He actually smiles. It’s just hard to smile without a face…

Anyway, this was Jeremy’s response to that:

To the girl who’s been commenting on all my posts, Fiona…I read through your blog first. You are…insane. I’m not going to say I have a lot of experience with this shit but that thing is not your boyfriend. It kills children, or forced Reiner to kill them…you seem nice, okay, but you are really fucked up, and your posts…your most recent posts show you’re in a lot of trouble whether you realize it or not. Don’t tell me you’re his girlfriend. You’re fucked in the head if you think that.  You really are.

No, I didn’t leave out or change a single word in this. I mean wow, Jeremy! I really only meant to calm you down and cheer you up a little, no need to talk to me so harshly. :( And honestly, I’ve spent three months with Him now, a bit more if you count the time we dated in our dreams. He leaves the room if I politely ask Him to, He still places a black rose on my windowsill every night (I planted them in the rose garden we built behind the mansion – it’s beautiful, as soon as they touch the ground, they dig their roots into it!) and it’s not as if He just jumped out of a bush to stalk me. He actually politely invited me to a date first. Or what would you call it when a man goes out with you to dance with you in a rose garden He created Himself for that very moment? He never hurt anyone around me, He never forced me to do anything, but instead He showers me with everything I can wish for. And I love Him. I love Him so much you have no idea! It actually physically hurts that I can’t just cuddle with Him, that I can’t hug Him when He stands across the room, that I can not even kiss Him without passing out before my lips reach His skin. I miss Him when He’s not here and I talk to Him about pretty much everything. And He listens to me.

He’s being a perfect gentleman about everything so far and it makes me mad that I keep getting shit for loving Him because the internet and those insane people say He’s evil. I’ve read about your Reiner, who keeps blaming my Prince for the child murders in your town. For some reason you believe him that he knows the crime scene, was there when it happened (as he stated in one of the letters), knew the children, looked uncannily much like the culprit but is not to blame for anything? He even said “The man is for those who hurt children” or something like that in one letter. I don’t know about you, but to me, that sounds pretty much as if my Prince was not very happy about this guy being nasty to children, and less as if He was nasty to them Himself!

So yeah, before you start giving me shit for being in a relationship with someone I know for three months and then some and went on dates with, because a mentally unstable stalker told you so – stop and think again.


I’m sorry, internet. But I needed to get that… well, off my chest.

…now I’m all uncreative all of a sudden. Oh well.

Nini, internet!

One more Time

Hey, internet!

Tomorrow will be my last exam! Finally! Catching up on more than a month worth of lessons and writing exams on them is such a pain in the neck… I’m glad that I’ll have some more time off now, even though the funeral is drawing near, so I still might be busy with that.

I was about to say that I’ll probably work during the rest of summer. But… I don’t need to. I’m a bit indecisive about that now…

Anyway, in my reply to Konaas last comment, I announced that I had something to tell you guys.<3

The past week, I started to… feel as if something had changed whenever I woke up. It felt as if someone had moved around something in my room just enough for me to not be able to point out what it was, but to notice it nontheless. Well, of course my Prince immediately was the main suspect, since He tends to always be there when I wake up, slowly retreating His limbs from me just when I open my eyes. I think it might even be His touch that wakes me up every morning, but I’m always just too late to consciously feel it or anything… I don’t even know.

Anyway, the past few days I noticed that it’s not my room that’s changing a bit, but it’s actually me! Like, one day I’d look into the mirror and notice that an annoying zit has finally disappeared, the next day my whole complexion looked a little bit better than usual and the day after, my hair had a really silky shine to it… Until, I think it was Wednesday or Thursday, I woke up while He still touched me. It felt strange because He did something with my body… I don’t know how to describe it. It felt a bit as if He, uhm… kind of folded me. Like, as if parts of me would n͟òt̨̀ be in the ri̴g̸ht place and he just put them back where they belonged. That sounds strange because it implies p̷ai̢n̶, but it actually didn’t hurt at all. It was just… minor relocations. I barely felt anything because I was so numbingly sleepy all the while. But when I finally got up and went to the mirror, my face looked a tiny little bit more symmetrical.

At first, I had to get over a bit of an eerie feeling of course. I mean, my boyfriend is tweaking my body in shape. But then I realized that between all the magazines I recently bought with beauty tips in them (because I wanted to be pretty for Him, gah!) He might have come to the conclusion that I wanted to look better. So He fulfilled that wish for me, just like so many other ones.

I’m also going to visit the house Riddles talked about with Him. Yeah, with Him, not Mister C. At first Mister C. suggested to take me, but He immediately made a gesture that suggested He didn’t want Him to do it and held out His hand to me. So we figured that He wants to take me Himself. Mister C. already prepared everything for Dad to be away Tuesday night and I’m really excited for our second date!<3

Okay, I really should go to sleep now to get a good amount of sleep before the final exam.

Goodnight, internet!


Hey, internet!

Studying still eats a lot of my time, but at least everything around the inheritance is said and done. Now I’ve got so much money that I couldn’t spend it all in a lifetime.

Or maybe I could… ;)

I’ve pondered applying for a godchild somewhere abroad. You know, one of those programs where you donate monthly for a child to enable proper education and living for it. But I’m a bit at loss there… Can you help me out a little with which programs are reliable? I wouldn’t like for most of the money to  flow into the organizations pockets…

Apart from that, I think I will get a new house for Dad and me. A house is always a good investment. :) And then, after the exams, I might invite my friends for a shopping spree!<3 We have more contact now, mostly via email and telephone, and they are all eager to see me again.

Also, Mister C. showed me something fancy: He actually taught me to hide stuff from the perception of others. I know, it sounds like a superpower, but it’s really more like hypnosis or something. I did it to Dad so he won’t ever stumble upon the blog – which is convenient because now I can actually bookmark it. Or just leave it open.
I wonder if Mister C. is pranking me with that too, though. The past few days he tends to suddenly turn around and talk to himself, sometimes even to argue and yell. Or maybe that’s not the right expression – he argues with and talks to thin air is more it. Which is especially strange since he actually is a very serious person and impresses me with his knowledge and manners (he can be quite the gentleman). I try to take everything he says with a grain of salt, but I still feel a bit as if he was my mentor and I his student. Gee, I don’t know.

The only depressing thing is the funeral. Well, not so much the funeral itself as the preparations, because I spend a lot of time with Fiance now. And it’s a really weird feeling to spend so much time with someone you are actually so “close” to and yet don’t know at all. He doesn’t seem to be comfortable around me either, which I can understand. Just imagine that your fiancee dies and suddenly you get to know a whole new family she had all the time. Obviously she didn’t mention us sooner, so that’s a double shock. I really try to be nice and welcoming to him to help him cope with the situation, but I’m just a stranger. Poor guy. :(

I can’t help but feel as if I was floating, though. Wherever I go, I feel my Prince near me, which is so comforting! Sometimes I turn around from doing something and He suddenly stands behind me, His arms slightly raised and His head tilted as if He hopes for a hug. I tried to give Him one once or twice, but whenever I touch Him I start feeling dizzy again. So usually I just blow Him a kiss and smile.
My sweet Prince. <3

I need to study again now. :( But I hope to be free more often for new blogposts now.

Bye, internet!


Story has decided to go all “I BLAME YOU AND HATE YOU AND SULK AROUND!” on me. I called him up so often today, it’s not even funny anymore. I’m really sorry for his poor parents who had to act as if he wasn’t at home.
Why do I assume that he was? Because his mother didn’t grip the recording part of the phone firmly enough to muffle his voice entirely when she told him that I called.


In other news, something big happened today. Do you remember this post? In that case, you might also remember the man who gave me that envelope?
Well, he came to visit us today. I’ll simply call him Mister C. here.

I’m not even quite sure how everything is connected here, but my Prince must have sent him one way or another. Mr. C. is pretending to be my mother’s lawyer at the moment and, well… she died recently.
I’m not quite sure how to take that yet.
Anyway, her last will was that I inherit her money – which apparently is a ridiculously huge amount.

I wanted to be wealthy. There I have it.

Mister C. is going to stay around and to help me with accepting and receiving the inheritance. I have mixed feelings, but I think mostly I am happy, both for the end of our financial struggles and for the fact that my Prince made His promises come true.
I know that sounds strange because it’s my mother who died and she was newly engaged but… I didn’t see her for most of my life, I can barely remember her. And I rather wouldn’t. Maybe I’ll tell you about her sometime, but anyway I was surprised that she thought about me at all. Actually, I suspect that she didn’t, and my Prince was the one who made everything turn out that way.

The thing muffling my joy most is actually Mister C. Maybe it’s just because of his looks – he looks… kinda like Hispanic or Native American or Latin American or so and is about as old as my Dad I guess… so forty-something? Fifty-something? – and something about those black eyes is just totally intimidating. He always looks so serious, too.

And then, of course, there is the fact that he seems to know stuff about Brute’s death.

I’m actually kinda glad that he stays close, because it means that I can ask him about it. Maybe there actually is a good explanation for everything.

As to my Prince Himself, by the way… He still sends me the roses, the latest one He put on my chest while I slept. When I woke up, I saw His “face” hovering over me while He stood bent over my bed. I think He might have sung His song for me again, because I think I can faintly remember it. I bet He pondered if He should kiss me, but then decided against (I felt faint due to His presence already, he probably didn’t want me to pass out for another week) and when I blinked as He stood, He vanished.

It’s nice to know that He watches over me in my sleep. I feel so much safer now.
Heh, and there they go, all the bad feelings. Replaced by the butterflies in my stomach.<3

Bye, internet

Last Tuesday

Hey, internet.

I had some sleep now and feel a little, like… tidier in my head. So yeah, here is what happened after my last blogpost:

I wrote a little goodbye letter to Daddy. Not much, just a few words about not looking for me and stuff. Also, I deleted all cookies and the history of my browser so Dad wouldn’t find the blog (I’m no pro, but I’ve been to a few forums and learned this and that about that stuff). After that, I went outside as I said. It was really strange since I passed the living room where my babysitter supposedly sat in, but it looked empty to me although everyone says that she watched TV in there at the time I disappeared.

However, He waited outside for me, beckoning me with his strange arms. They looked a bit like snakes, movement-wise – and I was really, really afraid about what He had planned for me. I went to Him though and then He pointed into a direction down the street and I knew He wanted me to go there. I could feel a limb of His hovering just over my shoulder all the time while I walked, felt His presence right behind me. It was a confusing feeling, because I was scared at first, but something about Him was soothing. Almost as if He oozed a lullaby or so.

We went just out of town, into the woods that surround the while place – I’ll give it the nickname Pleasantville. Yep, after the movie. Anyway, He led me to a clearing which seemed oddly familiar to me and there He just started to stand still and look at me, slightly tilting His head. For a moment, I wanted to be relieved about Him not doing anything else.

But then, He unfolded His tentacles. Or vines. I don’t really know. They spread everywhere, over the whole clearing, creeped up the trees and even snaked around me, until I felt them only inches away from me. Do you remember how I felt faint-ish when I took in the roses? I felt like that, only more intense, and it wasn’t helping that those tendrils seemes to be closing in on me. I must have stared at Him like a frightened bunny…
As soon as everything in sight seemed to be covered in those black tentacles, they stopped moving for a few moments. It was then that I discovered, on the vines right in front of my chest, that they had those weird little… knobs on them. And the very instant I realized that those little knobs existed – they all bloomed into wonderful, black rose blossoms.

Yes. He is the Prince from my dreams.

At first I didn’t want to believe it, but He held out His hand to me just like my Prince did, and when I finally dared taking it He gently lead me into dancing motions, just like those in the Disney movies. Oh yeah, and I think He sang for me. There was music. His song. It was wonderful. Strange and unfamiliar, but so wonderful. I felt fainter by the second, but yet, I couldn’t help but finally see through all those things that disturb the eye about Him at first sight and see how gracefully He moved, how much… presence He had.

It’s tragic that His touch doesn’t seem to be made for humans, since I was almost passing out when we stopped dancing. He supported my back with His arms when I became to weak to stay upright and the last thing I remember is that His, uh, “face” came closer to mine until all went black.

When I woke up, I was here in my room. Daddy just came in and looked so sadly at me that at first I thought I had done something to upset him – I couldn’t remember the night right away. But as soon as I asked him, his face first looked shocked, then brightened up and he hugged me as if I had been in New Zealand or something.
I didn’t know that I was gone for almost a week. I mean wow… I can only remember that one night. I think other things might have happened, or I had a vivid dream, because I feel as if there are some details I don’t remember anymore… For example, I am sure that at some point, He said to me that I wasn’t supposed to fear Him and that I was His Princess and He would make me His Queen. Or something along those lines. But I can’t for the life of my recover when and how He said that.

He didn’t harm me in any way. Quite the opposite… I feel fully recovered from my constant tiredness/insomnia and when I slept today, my dreams were pleasant and calm. Only my throat is a quite a bit sore, but I doubt that that comes from too passionate frenching with Him. I rather blame the cold outside during the nights. It’s really annoying though, I can barey talk at the moment.

So what did I tell Dad? Huh, I don’t think that he would approve of my new…
Oh gosh it feels so awesome to type that.
Of my new boyfriend. EEEEEH!<3

He doesn’t feel like a boy at all though. Of my Man? Beloved? I think Prince or King will do.

Yeah, Daddy would probably not approve of Him, so I told him that I couldn’t remember what happened anymore. That’s at least 75% truth! And I have to figure out how to break it to him that my… Prince happens to be an ancient supernatural being.

Gosh, He probably kissed me. And I missed it all!

Anyway, now you know everything! Honestly, I don’t think people need to be afraid of Him actually. He is so… gentle and radiant with elegance…

And so beautiful in His own way. And He chose me! Gosh I am so giddy… I really think I am in love. No, I know it. And it’s fabulous!

Bye, internet!

And now for Something completely different

Hey, internet!

Whoah, all those buggy comments… I wrote an email to WordPress though about the error and included some screencaps. So I hope that your comments will be fine again soon. :) I’m sorry!

Adele, John: Why are your comments not buggy anymore? The miau mio stuff is starting to get to me though. Why are you doing that?

Anyway, I figured you might like to hear about something else that sick German children’s books and dreamlike princes for a a change, so I’ll update you on my private life a little instead.

Ever since the club incident, I haven’t been to school – one month already, and the month in which all the finals are written. Yay, huh? Well, the police wasn’t amused about Officers private and unsuccessful little side project, so his boss now told him to stop it if he doesn’t want to endanger his job and the ones of everyone involved. Some of his friends who helped him were scared enough to give in to that threat and without them, his team is too small to watch over me daily.

I helped his conscience a little by lying about the roses and telling him that I didn’t get any more for a few days now.  Of course I did though, my Prince would never forget that!<3

Well, the principal wasn’t exactly happy when he learned that Officer had excused me all the time without official permission, but Dad, Officer and he talked and agreed that I wasn’t to blame for that.  So they decided that I’m allowed to write the finals at home in the beginning of the summer holidays. A teacher will come over and stay with me during the writing to make sure I don’t cheat. The way Dad described it, even the principal was kinda worried about me. There are some nice people around, huh?

Speaking of which, Dad is incredibly busy recently. He says that he suddenly gets tons of customers everyday, mostly people he never saw around before who order things he has to order himself because they’re so special (like some particular Japanese markers for painting and stuff). So he needs to come earlier to the store (to receive the deliveries) and close later and if he’s at home at all, he’s busy on the computer and telephone all the time, trying to get things I’ve never heard of before for his customers.
It makes me a little bit sad because we don’t do or watch stuff together anymore, but on the other hand, I’m asleep most of the time. My dreams are just so wonderful… I always meet up with him and then we take a walk somewhere (mostly in the rose garden) or go to nice cafés (they are empty aside from us, but there’s always cake and coffee on the tables) and such stuff. And he cheers me up, oh so much…

Last night, I really had a phase in which I was down and sad and thought that I was just imagining everything. I don’t remember how the dream I had started out, but my memory starts at a point where we were talking to each other and I remember a bit of the conversation really clearly.

Me: “…I mean – did I really think that there were such things as Princes on white horses who come to me in my dreams?”
He: “Yes. ‘Cause that’s exactly how you think. That’s perfect.”
Me:  “Perfect is so hard! And it doesn’t prepare you for disappointment.”
He: “Well, if it helps… you still look adorable, even when you’re disappointed.”

I can’t remember anything after that snippet, but it was so nice and comforting to hear that from Him. I now believe and trust in Him even more than before.
It all felt so familiar.<3

I’m sorry, I babbled about Him again… I just can’t contain myself.

So, I told you about Officer, my school… Dad… Oh, not all about Dad! Incidentally, he’s got a big  from another enterprise (didn’t quite catch what it was) so he’ll do his first business trip ever soon to help his customers choose the right material for everything and so on. So yeah – no Officer and no Dad for at least two or three days.
Of course Dad had to get a babysitter though. :( As if I was, like, ten or something.

I’ll report back in tomorrow (tired as hell again…). Have a nice one, guys!

Bye, internet!


Hey, internet!

[I wrote that whole thing yesterday, but I accidentally clicked Save Draft. So you have it belatedly.]

Wow, what’s wrong with WordPress? Adele, John – your comments are all garbled up for some reason (don’t believe me? See for yourself). I could barely read them, but think I got the gist – thank you for your empowerment. I don’t quite get why I have to stay alone in that room, but I’m going to trust you and my Prince. :)

Now on to what I wanted to do since yesterday – the new doodles. Everytime I fell asleep and woke up again there were new ones.

The first one, I mentioned it in "Randomly awake at Night"

The second one, I found it later on.

And the third one. I found it today when I woke up.

(Did I ever tell you that the alternate title of the book is “Funny pictures and wacky stories for children”? Burning people sure are funny as hell, huh?)

Something that really confuses me is how the symbol that Brute drew is all over this stuff again. But his murderers did it to. So I’m not quite sure what to read into this…

I can also type the text here which is circled. I’m a bit too tired to translate it now but I can probably give you a very short rough summary.

Paulinchen war allein zu Haus,
Die Eltern waren beide aus.
Als sie nun durch das Zimmer sprang
Mit leichtem Mut und Sing und Sang,
Da sah sie plötzlich vor sich stehn
Ein Feuer[blackened out] nett anzusehn.
“Ei”, sprach sie, “ei, wie schön und fein!”
[The last three lines aren’t in the circle anymore.]

This was the first one from “Sorry”. The first one from this post is from the same story.

Doch weh! Die Flamme faßt das Kleid,
Die Schürze brennt; es leuchtet weit.
Es brennt die Hand, es brennt das Haar,
Es brennt das ganze Kind sogar.

Und Minz und Maunz, die schreien
Gar jämmerlich zu zweien:
“Herbei! Herbei! Wer hilft geschwind?
In Feuer steht das ganze Kind!
Miau! Mio! Miau! Mio!
Zu Hilf’! das Kind brennt lichterloh!”

That story is about a girl called Paulinchen who plays with the lighter of her parents and sets herself aflame. There’s not much more to it – she plays, starts to burn and burns to death.

The second one from “Sorry doesn’t actually circle any text, so I won’t transcribe it…

The other pictures are from the story of three boys who mock a little black boy because of his skin color. Santa Clause comes and dunks them in black ink so they’re even blacker than the boy they mocked (I know, I know right? The Germans have a strange view of “wacky”…).

The circled text is:

Es ging spazieren vor dem Tor
Ein kohlpechrabenschwarzer M[rest of the word crossed out and replaced with “ann”]

Gosh, I’m getting tired again. Actually I wanted to update you about my school life too, but I guess that has to wait until tomorrow since I’m close to falling asleep on my keyboard all of a sudden…

Bye, internet!


Hey, internet.

I figured I should post something again, but I’m so dead-tired, I can barely look at the screen for long. Don’t even know why, I’ve slept a lot recently. I’ll just give you a quick update on stuff: Roses still appear, Prince Charming sweetens my every dream, and something’s up with the book. You know, the one I had to read for school? “Struwwelpeter” – I found it open yesterday and today and there’s pencil-drawing in it. I took some fabulous photos to share it with you:

The whole page, more or less

The first page that has been molested.

A close up of the drawing.

That page was open yesterday. And today it was this one:

This time: words.

And more words.

Yeah. When the first thing happened, I had checked that page. The words appeared when I slept. Funny: The book was laying in my bed randomly when I woke up after sleeping ever since my last entry here. But Dad says it wasn’t him. I’m not sure wether to be alarmed by it… It could be my Prince.

I caught a glimpse of Him on the window. Just a quick motion, couldn’t see it too well. Today, my rose layed on my chest.

Gosh, I really am tired… sorry for bad spelling and stuff, tried to write decently, but I think I need some more sleep.

I watched the Sharpay movie! It’s truly fabulous. So I’m going to plug it here:

This just feels so much like my song! Especially ever since He’s in my dreams.

Going to sleep now. Bye, internet!

Prince Charming

Hey, internet!

Okay, so something incredibly beautiful happened. I didn’t tell you earlier, but the main reason for me to pull all-nighters all the time wasn’t the tapping on my window – I got used to that by night time. It was the fact that the nightmares had come back. I didn’t tell you in the last post because there were so many things to tell you that I simply forgot about it and I haven’t had the discipline to make notes everytime. But yeah, I have had really mad dreams recently.

Anyway. After the last blogpost, I pulled an all-nighter again. The rose arrived as usually and I put it to the other ones in the morning. The tapping was actually really faint this time, at least in comparison to before and why do I need so many words to tell you all of this I want to write about the actual dreams dammit! So I killed some time reading “Last Chance to see” and then went to bed far too late more because I simply passed out then because I really wanted to sleep.

At first, the nightmares started again. It were a lot, but I can only remember the last one well. I was walking through a big mansion at night and heard music and laughter from somewhere, so I followed those noises. I came to a big, double-winged door and opened it and there I stood in the middle of a ball room – and of an ongoing ball. My point of view changed a bit, I suddenly wasn’t walking around anymore but became an onlooker to the scene. So my vision panned through the room – which had walls made of mirrors – and then I suddenly saw the host: Myself, in a gorgeous black dress. Ball-Fiona talked to her guests so casually and moved so gracefully that I couldn’t help but think that she was actually a bit unlike me already.

And that was when she turned around and looked directly at me, with a really wicked smile. And she was like: “Oh, such an ugly face. We can’t have that here, can we? Let me fix that for you!” Or something like that and then she reached out to me and grabbed my face and tore it off (again with the face…). And then the pov changed again and I was suddenly her. But in the reflections of the mirror wall, I could see that I didn’t have my face back. There was just smooth skin on my head there. Everyone around me congratulated me that my face was looking exceptionally beautiful that night and I really panicked and that was when He came in.

The prince I dreamt of a while ago. He just ripped the whole picture of the ball apart as if it was a curtain and suddenly stood in front of me, His clothes dark with little bright gems on them – it looked like a night sky. Everyone at the ball flinched in front of Him and He felt so… so real in that moment. More so than the rest of the dream, far more so! And He held His hand out for me to take and of course I took it – gosh, He looked so… handsome – and He pulled me right out of my nightmare and into a wonderful calm place. I didn’t recognize it right away, but when He gently led me through it, I realized it was the rose garden. Beneath a big tree He pulled me into his arms.

And then I think He said something to me. I mean, I can’t remember the exact words, but the gist was something like: “You can rest now, I will watch over you.” And then music came from somewhere, He might have been singing, but I can’t really remember… I can’t even remember how the music sounded, just that it was there and that it sounded incredibly wonderful. So there I was, leaning against a beautiful prince, beneath a gorgeous night sky, while there was the most beautiful music around us I ever heard.

And then I fell asleep in my dream. And I had the most wonderful sleep ever. I can’t remember any dreams, but I know that the music continued through all the rest of the night.

But the most incredible, fabulous thing? When I woke up, I was like: “Aw, Prince… why do you only exist in my dreams?” And then, when I shifted in my bed – I found black rose petals on my pillow. They look and feel like the petals of the roses on my desk – but those don’t look as if they’ve lost any petals.

And my window was just a crack open, with a new rose lying on the sill.

This is not my enemy. I’ve got a real life Prince Charming who is on my side. Oh gosh this is so incredible… I mean, it only happens in fairy tales, right? But it is happening to me! Right here and now!

I need to find out more about Him! Especially why He doesn’t show Himself irl, but only in my dreams…

Thank you Prince Charming!

I’ll be up, looking if I can find anything about Him! If you have anything to contribute, please tell me!

Bye, internet!

The Revelation

Hey internet!

So I had to shut up all the time about Story’s and my secret. Buuuuut I discovered the schedule-function on WordPress now (WordPress is so fabulous<3) so I can now talk to you about it in advance (before anything actually happens) and just make it so the blogpost is published while I’m already in the club.

And yes, that’s the secret: Story and me are going to a club together!

It’s not as date-ish as it might sound at first… well, here’s the background:

When the police dropped the case, Story didn’t want that to happen. I mean… who would? But since he’s a little knight in shining armor inside (heh<3) he took things into his own hands and did a little research. Obviously, Brute’s whole room was stuffed with things which related to that urban myth he had told me about. So the logical thing to do was looking into this mythos more carefully.

He didn’t want to tell many details – he didn’t even mention if he believed in it at all. But as a matter of fact, there seem to be some people here in town who do believe in it and Brute might have been one of them. And Story said that the crossed out O’s on the note in Brute’s chest and the whole… method he was murdered with all matches the Mythos. So the little high school student and nerd just so happened to stumble upon a lead. Fabulous? Absolutely! Especially since Story also stumbled upon a club which name seems to be a reference to that mythos as well.

Of course the first thing Story did was calling up Officer and telling him everything and of course the first thing Officer did was trying to get the police to open the case again. But since the police still seems to think there are not enough leads (Officer is furious about that), Story convinced Officer of finding out more. Now there’s a little problem: This is not exactly the biggest town ever, so most people know that Officer is, well, an officer already. So Story decided to consult someone with a certain expertise on clubbing to accompany him while he goes see if any suspiciously familiar people happen to be in that club.

We won’t do anything head over heels. Officer will drive us and stay close with the car – close enough to barge in whenever we get in trouble – and all we’re going to do is go in, dance a little, look around once and go again. We won’t snoop around too much and we won’t really investigate anything.

Needless to say that I am a tad anxious though… which is part of why I leave this blogpost. And also why I will report back when I’m home again. If I don’t, something happened and… I don’t know. You’ll at least know why the blog ends here and stuff.

Now I’m getting really scared. :(

There’s no reason for that, though. Story and Officer will be with me. And if we don’t find anything, this could really be a… date.

Now why does that make me even more nervous now?

Uhm yeah… anyway, I’ll need to get off the computer soon to style Story, but before I do so I can show you a quick shot of my outfit doodles:

All the doodles together.

Those are the outfits we will wear.

That one chinese-ish dress I saw at the mall when I was last there with my friends and it was stuck in my head. But seeing it scribbled down on me I decided that it actually looked a bit too slutty, although a certain amount of slutty is a good idea if you want to be let in. In the end I settled on a sexier version of that sporty-ish outfit – revealing enough to look way over 17 and get in, but concealing enough to not look too inviting or give Story the wrong ideas about… me.

For Story, I didn’t have to think too long. There really is only one look to go with if you want to be a mainstream-ish trendsetter with glasses: Hipster.

It’s true. Sorry hipsters.

Yeah, I doodle outfits down like that every now and then, simply because I can’t see myself in comparison in the mirror. This way I can lay down the papers in a row and compare, while still having a well-sorted wardrobe, a tidy room and wearing comfy clothes. I’m lazy like that. And I actually know pretty well what’s in my wardrobe anyway.

He’ll be here any minute now, so bye internet and wish me good luck!