Tag Archives: Update

Where is my Mind

Hi internet!

Wow, I’m forgetful today! Like, reeeaaaally forgetful. It’s hard to focus on anything for some reason.

Like, I started this blogpost several times today. But I just keep forgetting about it. So not fabulous.

And the dashboard. Wah. Sorry if I didn’t answer to any comments, I feel as if I keep forgetting some, but I’m simply easily distracted by the shiny today.

Runner really opened up to me! I now know that his family is from France and he’s still somewhat new to this place. Definitely explains his broken English. But now I know that French have the cutest accent.

There was something else about his family, but ungh, I already forgot about it. I really need to write down such things quicklier.

Wow, I like needed to reread what I’ve written like three times while writing this. I guess today is no good blogpost day. Sorry internet! I still love you though! Goodnight!

Be my Guest

Hi, internet!

Yay, Disney reference! :)

Nothing much is happening here yet. Dad is packed with work again – apparently his suppliers are making problems and now he’s spending the weekend with trying to get the mess they made back in order. I miss him already, but at least I don’t have to try and make up a bad lie about why Runner is here.

Speaking of which, Runner is doing fine too. He actually finally stopped being as jumpy as a rabbit all the time and is starting to feel at home here. Of course I can’t keep him here forever, but he’s opening up to me a bit, so I’m optimistic about being able to find a solution for the future for him. Maybe he can go back to his family or something. He avoids questions about his friends and family a bit, so I don’t know yet – but I’ll find out!

In other news, my friends and I are planning a big party to inaugurate the mansion! I mean yeah, we’re living in it for a while already now, but we never celebrated that yet. So yeah. PARTYTIME SOON!

Okay, I need some sleep now. Preparations and being the perfect host (TM) are draining tasks. I’ll report back soon though!

Bye, internet!

I owe you an Explanation

Hey, internet!

Don’t worry, you will get said explanation. Right now.

First off: I am sorry again for not updating for so long. A lot of things have changed, but that’s not the main reason for my silence. The main reason was Fiancé.

Yeah well, soon after his first attempt at harming me we found out it would not be his last one. So Iscariot (that’s what my Prince is calling Mr. C. and it sounds much nicer, don’t you think so too?) advised me to not update the blog anymore for a while. It turned out to become a pretty long while, since Fiancé… I guess that Rise girl has taught him one thing or two about playing hard to get, both to the police and my Loves agents.

It was an especially risky thing because Dad and I moved in the meantime. Yeah, you’re guessing right – we now have that great, huuuge mansion all to ourselves! We also upgraded Dad’s shop a bit, bought a little apartment on top of it so he can stay there if work piles up too much to come home in time. And of course, I fed my wardrobe, too! Heh, all the fabulous outfits in there now!<3

So you might want to know what happened with Fiancé. Well at the funeral he tried to get me and the police got him instead. He’s now investigated as a suspect in Brute’s case… I just kind of try to stay out of this.

Still, Iscariot suggested that I shouldn’t stay unprotected for much longer. He told me that a lot of people dislike my Prince – so called “runners”. And that they might attack me to get to him. So yeah, I’m getting a bodyguard. It took some time to find a good one, but obviously my Prince has chosen someone He thought would do the job best and so I am finally free from this big game of hide and seek. Also, I’d like to introduce Jonathan to you – I thought about giving him a nickname, but that would be stupid. He’s a bodyguard, he sure is used to take care about himself. And he’s awesome! I gave him access to my blog so he can introduce himself and maybe update you when I can’t. So please welcome me back and welcome my new friend Jonathan!

I’mma report back again later, so bye, internet!

Free at last

Hey, internet!

Yay, no exams anymore! Yay, summer! And yay, date tonight!

It’ll be later than I thought, though. :( Fiance called and he wants to meet me. Urgently.

He sounded pretty upset. Well, he’s been kind of sad ever since I’ve first met him, so I suppose it’s getting too much to bear right now. I can kind of relate to that, I mean a few weeks ago he thought that he would get married soon and now he is organizing the funeral of his future bride. That’s bound to drag you down.

So yeah, I asked my love to wait up for me. Fiance won’t be able to come before around ten he said, so I guess it’ll be a real late night trip. I don’t mind though, since I feel safe with my Prince around.
Only Fiance is bothering me. I hope I can help him to cheer up again.

Anyway, I need to pretty up myself for later.  I might update when I’m back home, or tomorrow.

Bye, internet!

Reporting in

Hi, internet!

I’m terribly sorry that I didn’t write for a while. But I’m awfully busy at the moment with both studying and the inheritance thing. Granted, first I put off posting a bit because I was about to rage at oshnaa for his rude comments. Thank you, John and Riddles, for your comments. I’m going to address that topic again next time, but I’m too tired and everything now.

Sorry again! I try not to put this off for too long!

Bye, internet!

Last Tuesday

Hey, internet.

I had some sleep now and feel a little, like… tidier in my head. So yeah, here is what happened after my last blogpost:

I wrote a little goodbye letter to Daddy. Not much, just a few words about not looking for me and stuff. Also, I deleted all cookies and the history of my browser so Dad wouldn’t find the blog (I’m no pro, but I’ve been to a few forums and learned this and that about that stuff). After that, I went outside as I said. It was really strange since I passed the living room where my babysitter supposedly sat in, but it looked empty to me although everyone says that she watched TV in there at the time I disappeared.

However, He waited outside for me, beckoning me with his strange arms. They looked a bit like snakes, movement-wise – and I was really, really afraid about what He had planned for me. I went to Him though and then He pointed into a direction down the street and I knew He wanted me to go there. I could feel a limb of His hovering just over my shoulder all the time while I walked, felt His presence right behind me. It was a confusing feeling, because I was scared at first, but something about Him was soothing. Almost as if He oozed a lullaby or so.

We went just out of town, into the woods that surround the while place – I’ll give it the nickname Pleasantville. Yep, after the movie. Anyway, He led me to a clearing which seemed oddly familiar to me and there He just started to stand still and look at me, slightly tilting His head. For a moment, I wanted to be relieved about Him not doing anything else.

But then, He unfolded His tentacles. Or vines. I don’t really know. They spread everywhere, over the whole clearing, creeped up the trees and even snaked around me, until I felt them only inches away from me. Do you remember how I felt faint-ish when I took in the roses? I felt like that, only more intense, and it wasn’t helping that those tendrils seemes to be closing in on me. I must have stared at Him like a frightened bunny…
As soon as everything in sight seemed to be covered in those black tentacles, they stopped moving for a few moments. It was then that I discovered, on the vines right in front of my chest, that they had those weird little… knobs on them. And the very instant I realized that those little knobs existed – they all bloomed into wonderful, black rose blossoms.

Yes. He is the Prince from my dreams.

At first I didn’t want to believe it, but He held out His hand to me just like my Prince did, and when I finally dared taking it He gently lead me into dancing motions, just like those in the Disney movies. Oh yeah, and I think He sang for me. There was music. His song. It was wonderful. Strange and unfamiliar, but so wonderful. I felt fainter by the second, but yet, I couldn’t help but finally see through all those things that disturb the eye about Him at first sight and see how gracefully He moved, how much… presence He had.

It’s tragic that His touch doesn’t seem to be made for humans, since I was almost passing out when we stopped dancing. He supported my back with His arms when I became to weak to stay upright and the last thing I remember is that His, uh, “face” came closer to mine until all went black.

When I woke up, I was here in my room. Daddy just came in and looked so sadly at me that at first I thought I had done something to upset him – I couldn’t remember the night right away. But as soon as I asked him, his face first looked shocked, then brightened up and he hugged me as if I had been in New Zealand or something.
I didn’t know that I was gone for almost a week. I mean wow… I can only remember that one night. I think other things might have happened, or I had a vivid dream, because I feel as if there are some details I don’t remember anymore… For example, I am sure that at some point, He said to me that I wasn’t supposed to fear Him and that I was His Princess and He would make me His Queen. Or something along those lines. But I can’t for the life of my recover when and how He said that.

He didn’t harm me in any way. Quite the opposite… I feel fully recovered from my constant tiredness/insomnia and when I slept today, my dreams were pleasant and calm. Only my throat is a quite a bit sore, but I doubt that that comes from too passionate frenching with Him. I rather blame the cold outside during the nights. It’s really annoying though, I can barey talk at the moment.

So what did I tell Dad? Huh, I don’t think that he would approve of my new…
Oh gosh it feels so awesome to type that.
Of my new boyfriend. EEEEEH!<3

He doesn’t feel like a boy at all though. Of my Man? Beloved? I think Prince or King will do.

Yeah, Daddy would probably not approve of Him, so I told him that I couldn’t remember what happened anymore. That’s at least 75% truth! And I have to figure out how to break it to him that my… Prince happens to be an ancient supernatural being.

Gosh, He probably kissed me. And I missed it all!

Anyway, now you know everything! Honestly, I don’t think people need to be afraid of Him actually. He is so… gentle and radiant with elegance…

And so beautiful in His own way. And He chose me! Gosh I am so giddy… I really think I am in love. No, I know it. And it’s fabulous!

Bye, internet!

And now for Something completely different

Hey, internet!

Whoah, all those buggy comments… I wrote an email to WordPress though about the error and included some screencaps. So I hope that your comments will be fine again soon. :) I’m sorry!

Adele, John: Why are your comments not buggy anymore? The miau mio stuff is starting to get to me though. Why are you doing that?

Anyway, I figured you might like to hear about something else that sick German children’s books and dreamlike princes for a a change, so I’ll update you on my private life a little instead.

Ever since the club incident, I haven’t been to school – one month already, and the month in which all the finals are written. Yay, huh? Well, the police wasn’t amused about Officers private and unsuccessful little side project, so his boss now told him to stop it if he doesn’t want to endanger his job and the ones of everyone involved. Some of his friends who helped him were scared enough to give in to that threat and without them, his team is too small to watch over me daily.

I helped his conscience a little by lying about the roses and telling him that I didn’t get any more for a few days now.  Of course I did though, my Prince would never forget that!<3

Well, the principal wasn’t exactly happy when he learned that Officer had excused me all the time without official permission, but Dad, Officer and he talked and agreed that I wasn’t to blame for that.  So they decided that I’m allowed to write the finals at home in the beginning of the summer holidays. A teacher will come over and stay with me during the writing to make sure I don’t cheat. The way Dad described it, even the principal was kinda worried about me. There are some nice people around, huh?

Speaking of which, Dad is incredibly busy recently. He says that he suddenly gets tons of customers everyday, mostly people he never saw around before who order things he has to order himself because they’re so special (like some particular Japanese markers for painting and stuff). So he needs to come earlier to the store (to receive the deliveries) and close later and if he’s at home at all, he’s busy on the computer and telephone all the time, trying to get things I’ve never heard of before for his customers.
It makes me a little bit sad because we don’t do or watch stuff together anymore, but on the other hand, I’m asleep most of the time. My dreams are just so wonderful… I always meet up with him and then we take a walk somewhere (mostly in the rose garden) or go to nice cafés (they are empty aside from us, but there’s always cake and coffee on the tables) and such stuff. And he cheers me up, oh so much…

Last night, I really had a phase in which I was down and sad and thought that I was just imagining everything. I don’t remember how the dream I had started out, but my memory starts at a point where we were talking to each other and I remember a bit of the conversation really clearly.

Me: “…I mean – did I really think that there were such things as Princes on white horses who come to me in my dreams?”
He: “Yes. ‘Cause that’s exactly how you think. That’s perfect.”
Me:  “Perfect is so hard! And it doesn’t prepare you for disappointment.”
He: “Well, if it helps… you still look adorable, even when you’re disappointed.”

I can’t remember anything after that snippet, but it was so nice and comforting to hear that from Him. I now believe and trust in Him even more than before.
It all felt so familiar.<3

I’m sorry, I babbled about Him again… I just can’t contain myself.

So, I told you about Officer, my school… Dad… Oh, not all about Dad! Incidentally, he’s got a big  from another enterprise (didn’t quite catch what it was) so he’ll do his first business trip ever soon to help his customers choose the right material for everything and so on. So yeah – no Officer and no Dad for at least two or three days.
Of course Dad had to get a babysitter though. :( As if I was, like, ten or something.

I’ll report back in tomorrow (tired as hell again…). Have a nice one, guys!

Bye, internet!


Hey, internet.

I figured I should post something again, but I’m so dead-tired, I can barely look at the screen for long. Don’t even know why, I’ve slept a lot recently. I’ll just give you a quick update on stuff: Roses still appear, Prince Charming sweetens my every dream, and something’s up with the book. You know, the one I had to read for school? “Struwwelpeter” – I found it open yesterday and today and there’s pencil-drawing in it. I took some fabulous photos to share it with you:

The whole page, more or less

The first page that has been molested.

A close up of the drawing.

That page was open yesterday. And today it was this one:

This time: words.

And more words.

Yeah. When the first thing happened, I had checked that page. The words appeared when I slept. Funny: The book was laying in my bed randomly when I woke up after sleeping ever since my last entry here. But Dad says it wasn’t him. I’m not sure wether to be alarmed by it… It could be my Prince.

I caught a glimpse of Him on the window. Just a quick motion, couldn’t see it too well. Today, my rose layed on my chest.

Gosh, I really am tired… sorry for bad spelling and stuff, tried to write decently, but I think I need some more sleep.

I watched the Sharpay movie! It’s truly fabulous. So I’m going to plug it here:

This just feels so much like my song! Especially ever since He’s in my dreams.

Going to sleep now. Bye, internet!

I’m so excited

And I just can’t hide it!

Hey, internet!

Wow, I really have to think about blogging more often. I’m sorry but there was a lot of stuff to do for the secret.

Story and I had to kind of raise a little fund for it, so we convinced our parents to give us our allowance earlier and (at least in my case, I dunno about Story) did little jobs. It’s not the first time I had to wash a car to get a few extra bucks.

Anywho, we got some money together, so today ended up being the abolsutely most fabulous  day in my whole life (yet): We went shopping together!

I mean really. He was totally lost at the mall we were at, but that’s what was so incredibly omgwtfbbqsqueeliciously cute! It’s a pity that we had someone with us (our driver) so I couldn’t sneak-turn it into a little date… But I’ll have my true chance tomorrow.

Gosh, he was so cute in those clothes we bought him! *squee*

Also, I discovered this today. Oh my gosh how did I not know about that before?! I need to get my hands on this fabulous movie as soon as possible!

Although I’m not sure who to watch it with. Barbie had always been my High School Musical DVD Night buddy.

Well, Sharpay is worth being watched even if I have to do it alone! Totally.

Uhm… yeah. Expect news from me tomorrow night! I might leave a little entry for you when I head out, and I’ll definitely report back in when I come home. Thinking of which, I maybe should add: If everything’s all right (looky, I learned from Her!). Okay, I have to go and launch my happy thought rockets against my sudden anxiety of tomorrow.

Bye, internet!

Dirty little Secret

Hey, internet!

Sorry that I didn’t update during the holidays, but Granny doesn’t have a computer. She wouldn’t need it herself and she’s right when she says that Dad and me need to “unplug” a little whenever we visit her. So I only had my cellphone and while I could have updated via email or cell phone browser, I was a) too lazy to type long entries on the small keyboard and b) didn’t want to deny Granny a little Fiona time for the time being. Also, c) nothing really happened, but it’s not as if that has ever stopped me before, right?

So yeah, you might have noticed that I don’t sound as emo-y as I did last week, right? Well, I decided to be less mopey and everything. No one accused me for being a horrible person yet, I didn’t get harassed at school yet and my family still loves me. I’ll be fine.

Oh, also! I got my cell phone back from the police! And the blog is deleted from my bookmarks there. I wish I could ask Berry or Officer if Brute did that but… yeah.

Now the reason for me not updating right away yesterday. Guess who called me as soon as I got home? Yep, that’s right – Story!<3

It was a lucky coincidence that he called right when I entered the door. But there are some exciting news. Only you won’t be able to be excited because I can’t tell them to you yet. That’s right, we have a secret now. Everything else in the title is lies and slender though, it’s neither dirty nor little – I just like the song. You will learn on Sunday, depending on how everything turns out.

Apart from the secret we talked about everything and nothing until we had to go to sleep. I was really tired from the travel back already, so I just flopped on my bed and fell asleep. But checking my views today, I saw that nobody cared anyway, so I only feel guilty a very little bit. Maybe it’s understandable after my last blogpost though… (The few views I mean.)

Also, I want to finally thank my second fabulous person. Hey Her, welcome to the fabulous side of life, thankyousomuchImightloveyoualittlebitnow. Her blog is very fabulous, you should totally check it out: http://hernotepad.wordpress.com/

There is really not much more to tell you about. I still miss my friends, I still envy them for being friends with each other, I still have my guilt episodes about Brute. But it’s getting more okay by the day. And I don’t want to constantly mope at you – especially not now that I have to look good in the eyes of my new Fabulous Person!

I have to get back to scribbling stuff now. Important, secret stuff, hehe. You will see it later – gosh I am so giddy about it!<3

Goodnight now, internet!

PS: Fabulous Score – 4. Damn, I have to step up a little, haven’t I? ;P

PPS: 5 now!