Tag Archives: Widgets

Quick Update

Since I got homework done, I decided to look back at my last blogpost. And I realised that the theme I’ve selected kinda… sucked. So I changed it. Internet, meet Banana Smoothie. It’s actually not as pink and flowery as I’d like, but I won’t sacrifice the readability of my blogposts for pinkness and floweryness. That’s how much I love you, internet.

Also, I fooled around with the widgets a bit. You can now subscribe to my blog if you happen to be interested in what I say. Or read old things in my archive. I doubt anyone will actually do that, but my inner attention whore and a little hopeful voice made me do it nontheless. The voice said: “Maybe they will find you fabulous.”

But that’s my last royal deed for today. I will go out with some friends tomorrow, so I need my beauty sleep. Bye, internet!