Tag Archives: High School Musical


Hey, internet.

I figured I should post something again, but I’m so dead-tired, I can barely look at the screen for long. Don’t even know why, I’ve slept a lot recently. I’ll just give you a quick update on stuff: Roses still appear, Prince Charming sweetens my every dream, and something’s up with the book. You know, the one I had to read for school? “Struwwelpeter” – I found it open yesterday and today and there’s pencil-drawing in it. I took some fabulous photos to share it with you:

The whole page, more or less

The first page that has been molested.

A close up of the drawing.

That page was open yesterday. And today it was this one:

This time: words.

And more words.

Yeah. When the first thing happened, I had checked that page. The words appeared when I slept. Funny: The book was laying in my bed randomly when I woke up after sleeping ever since my last entry here. But Dad says it wasn’t him. I’m not sure wether to be alarmed by it… It could be my Prince.

I caught a glimpse of Him on the window. Just a quick motion, couldn’t see it too well. Today, my rose layed on my chest.

Gosh, I really am tired… sorry for bad spelling and stuff, tried to write decently, but I think I need some more sleep.

I watched the Sharpay movie! It’s truly fabulous. So I’m going to plug it here:

This just feels so much like my song! Especially ever since He’s in my dreams.

Going to sleep now. Bye, internet!

I’m so excited

And I just can’t hide it!

Hey, internet!

Wow, I really have to think about blogging more often. I’m sorry but there was a lot of stuff to do for the secret.

Story and I had to kind of raise a little fund for it, so we convinced our parents to give us our allowance earlier and (at least in my case, I dunno about Story) did little jobs. It’s not the first time I had to wash a car to get a few extra bucks.

Anywho, we got some money together, so today ended up being the abolsutely most fabulous  day in my whole life (yet): We went shopping together!

I mean really. He was totally lost at the mall we were at, but that’s what was so incredibly omgwtfbbqsqueeliciously cute! It’s a pity that we had someone with us (our driver) so I couldn’t sneak-turn it into a little date… But I’ll have my true chance tomorrow.

Gosh, he was so cute in those clothes we bought him! *squee*

Also, I discovered this today. Oh my gosh how did I not know about that before?! I need to get my hands on this fabulous movie as soon as possible!

Although I’m not sure who to watch it with. Barbie had always been my High School Musical DVD Night buddy.

Well, Sharpay is worth being watched even if I have to do it alone! Totally.

Uhm… yeah. Expect news from me tomorrow night! I might leave a little entry for you when I head out, and I’ll definitely report back in when I come home. Thinking of which, I maybe should add: If everything’s all right (looky, I learned from Her!). Okay, I have to go and launch my happy thought rockets against my sudden anxiety of tomorrow.

Bye, internet!

Why so Fabulous?

Hello internet!

Did you miss me? Aw, I missed you too! But don’t worry, I’m still fully affected by the blogging rush I got into on Friday. I mean, I just woke up and now I’m sitting here typing a blogpost already. That’s true love, isn’t it?

Well,  I kind of wanted to continue a thought I had on Friday when I posted about the theme change. Since I added all those nifty widgets with their fabulous titles, I suddenly figured: “Huh – the poor, dear internet will wonder why I obsess over the word ‘fabulous’ so much!”.

Now that I actually type this out, this seems to be a really silly thought since I’m not really that much of an internet celebrity. There won’t be masses of people commenting me to death with this question because they feel as if they had to die if I never told them.  But in my inbox, there’s a little email which says that someone actually subscribed to my blog. I don’t know if that’s a usual thing at WordPress, people subscribing to each other like they friend others at Facebook, but it made me happy so I don’t care right now. Thank you for being so fabulous, dear person I don’t know. This blogpost is for you! <3

Since I was a little girl, I always loved Disney movies. I always wanted to become a Disney princess when I grew up. They fascinated me all around. Their singing voices, their beauty, their eventual wealth, they ending up with their special someone… I admired that. I think every girl did. But the princesses were always something from “A long time ago, in a faraway land…” and that spoiled everything for me eventually. Until High School Musical came out. With Sharpay! Yeah, everyone always reminds me that she is supposed to be a bitch. In fact, she is the bitch of the movies (although she almost got outbitched in the third one). And I know about Ashley Tisdale going all scandalous in real life. But I saw something entirely else when she walked on screen – I saw a real life Disney princess. True, she didn’t get her prince in the end, not any prince at all. But she had the wealth, the beauty and the singing voice. She almost never sang ballads in the movie because if she did one would actually notice that she sings very beautifully. She had guts and self-esteem, even fighting Tiara in the third movie for her place. Of course she had her flaws, but at the same time, I like that about her too. She is not evil. She just tries to defend herself by being what she is. Yeah, I kind of admire her. And well – “Fabulous” from the second movie is her song. It describes her the best and she kind of infected me with that word. “Fabulous” – that is what I would like to be too. “Fabulous” contains all the Disney princess-ness I would love to achieve. And… there is no word that sounds pinker than that. And I love pink! I know, I know, that’s extremly cliched, but… I love it. It goes well with my blonde hair!

So there you have it, internet and dear fabulous stranger. Now please don’t hate me for being so… fabulous.

I hope the “Dark Knight” reference will make you hate me a little bit less for being such a Disney fan.

Bye, internet!