Tag Archives: Nagasaki

Karma is a Bitch

It really is. I was a moron towards Story, so I get the bill right away. I got into a fight with my friends today. They are convinced that Japan had the whole Tsunami thing coming with Pearl Harbor.

They usually aren’t stupid bitches. But in this case, they are. I tried to talk to them calmly, bringing counter-arguments, but they just can’t back off from their original opinion because I’m the little chick among the hens. Great. I just can’t believe that people really believe this! Even if you don’t think about Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Pearl Harbour was 70 years ago – most of the people who were responsible for it are dead by now, and not because of the earth quake, but because of old age or other natural reasons. I bet the soldiers who attacked Pearl Harbor and the officers who told them to didn’t even die in Nagasaki or Hiroshima. Both of those catastrophes hit innocents.

I so sick of it. I’m sorry, usually I’m quite an upbeat person, but the past few weeks just wore me out. I’m even having nightmares a lot recently, so I can’t even really rest at night. It’s just all so exhausting…

It surprises me how much this helps though. I didn’t expect this blog to become that helpful, but just typing out this rant while Ke$ha yells “We R Who We R“ into my ears made me feel a lot better. The negative energy is out, at least a part of it. I suppose my biggest mistake within the past few weeks was not to write on here for it actually deflates my bleh-balloon.

I guess I should talk to you more again, internet, huh? Thank you for listening and stuff. Apart from my trusty Fabulous Person, no one really seems to go out of their way to read this, but the writing alone seems to make everything better a bit.

I’m getting emotional again. Sorry!
I’ll need a few more unfabulous talks in the near future, but after getting all of this stuff out I hope that I’ll be your usual fabulous Fiona again, upbeat and positive. So hang in there.

Byebye internet!