Tag Archives: Ouch

Speak of the Devil

Hi, internet!

Turns out we were right about someone having been seen together with Fiancé. It was a boy about my age and he was planning to kidnap me.

I know this because Jonathan s͏t̀͟o̴p̶͟ped him from doing it. :) He’s totally the most awesome bodyguard ever, I swear!

So I’m going to call this guy R̢ų͞nner from now on. You’ll see why.

Fiancé told him where I live and he and Run̷̕ner had put a lot of work into figuring out when I am usually alone and stuff. Now a few days before, some of my Prince’s people spotted him around and I had to shut up for a little while again. :( Anyway, last night, he finally dared doing it and tried to snatch me away while I went to the kitchen to get some popcorn for a movie I was watching.

I don’t even know how Jonathan did that, but he was in there like before Runner could even blink and had him in a tight grip that’s usually used by policemen! He didn’t even get a chance at touching me!

So uh… I know some people might scold me again for this but we didn’t hand Runner over to the police. I just couldn’t do it. He looked so starved and dirty, his clothes must have been months old at the very least. So I kind… gave him stuff to eat and sat him down for a talk.

One can actually do that with a bodyguard like Jonathan around. Did I mention yet that Jonathan is fabulous? Because he totally is!

Runner tried escaping once or twice, but never succeeded, so he decided to instead keep answering me. And he did a good job on clearing up some things for me.
Everyone who is, uh… “in” this probably will roll their eyes at me when I say this now, but Runner belongs to the group of people who call themselves runners. They do so because they are running from my Prince. Runner left his home and traveled through like half the continent because he tried to escape my Love.
Like Konaa and company, he accused me of being a lunatic for being in love with my Prince. But I also gathered that my Prince never did more than randomly appear around him and freak him out.

So yeah, I won’t budge. ;P

Runner stays here for now. He naturally became pretty nervous when my Prince joined the crowd for a few minutes, but of course He didn’t harm him in any way and even left the room when I politely asked Him to. Runner made me promise that I will ke͝e̵̴p̡̧̧ ̶̢͟hi̶̡m҉̷̨ s̡af̢̢̡e̵, but honestly – as if there ever were anything to wo̶̢͡r̴̀r͢ỳ͢ about.

For now, he’s wearing some old clothes of Daddy, but I guess I’ll drag him into a mall tomorrow to get some new stuff for him. And boy, that guy can eat it’s unbelievable! Almost as unsatiable as Konaa! XD Then again, he doesn’t seem to have had a warm home and good food for weeks… Ngh, now I feel a little bit bad about that joke…

I’m sorry for being so quiet, but you see, I’m still here and I’ll keep blogging, promise!

Ungh, headache now. Bye, internet!