Tag Archives: Riddles


Hey, internet.

Wow, I thought that I’ve been stressed out before, but wow, today was exhausting.

You know, this club I’ve been to with Story? Well, I still had a flyer lying around from back then, and Konaa picked it up and was all over it. He insisted on me showing him the club.

It’s called “The Ark” by the way. When I tried to get some help from Google at recalling where the place was, I couldn’t find it there, so no reason to nickname it.
Anyway, we went there together and we had barely arrived when someone called out Konaa’s webhandle. I mean wow, is he a celebrity or something?

Then over came this big, black, scary hunk of a man with a grin that made me dive behind Konaa like a frightened bunny. He had this butchered, slangish way of talking, and immediately started to diss Konaa, who seemed to know him already. He was not very amused and just told him to piss off (that guy was twice the size of Konaa! I have no idea where he takes all that courage from, but I want some of it! D:). I’ll just start to call muscle-mountain by his webhandle here, because Konaa later told me what it was: Riddles. Yes, one of my other regular commenters.

John, Tengwar – if you both plan on visiting anytime soon, too, would you please send me a little note beforehand? Thank you.

Anyway, Riddles didn’t like how Konaa talked back to him at all. At first he got all passive aggressive, saying stuff like: “Oh come on, don’t you remember your oldest bro? How we did this and that together?” (Some really stupid stuff about pantsing George Washington – don’t ask, I don’t even know) and when Konaa still just stayed in place and stood before me all protective, Riddles started to outright threaten him, saying that he would “pound the hell” out of him and that Konaa would be “going to take it, with a smile on his face”. When Konaa shot me a concerned glance Riddles just added that he didn’t care if he frightened “the little Princess” and stepped forward, probably to make his threats true.

And that is where my other hero stepped in again. <3 I don’t know where from and how, but He was suddenly there, between us and Riddles, and just faced him silently. Riddles collapsed, whimpering incoherent stuff, and Konaa just took my hand and pulled me out of there.
I’m so lucky to be surrounded by such great men. :)

On our way back home I learned that this wasn’t the first time Konaa and Riddles met. Obviously, Riddles is the servant out of control who Mister C. mentioned – yes, the one who murdered Brute – and attacked Konaa before. Unfortunately for Riddles, Konaa won.<3 Which explains why Riddles was limping…
It’s pretty obvious that my Prince now tries to get him under control again, but I guess it isn’t very easy.

And our story still doesn’t end here, because when we came home to me, wrapped up in an argument about if Konaa was supposed to leave or not (I’d rather kept him here, he still didn’t seem to be very well…), out of nowhere Mister C.s voice intervenes: “He is perfectly all right, Fiona. And if he wishes to go home, who are we to hold him back?” (He sat in our living room awaiting us! Gosh, that man scared the hell out of me!)
Ngh… so yeah. I wasn’t fully convinced right away, but he had some very good points, so I bought a ticket back for Konaa and let him go. :( Konaa, you better keep your promise to message me if you arrived in one piece tonight, or I’m going to buy all TV stations in your area and let them send nothing but Disney movies and My Little Pony all day!

I think there was something else I wanted to talk about to Mister C., but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was right now…

I also still can’t get to Fiance. Well, maybe I’ll have a chance at the funeral.

So yeah… eventful day -> tired Fi. So I’m going to pass out on my bed now. And by “now” I mean “as soon as Konaa confirmed his well-being”.

Bye, internet.

PS: I’d actually not mind a visit from you at all, John and Tengwar. You seem nice. XD